I am a Neo-Hippie, Bowspring-Fan and grew up between a rural, German village and the capital Berlin.
I am currently living in Berlin, where I teach German and prepare myself to be a kickass Bowspring Yoga Teacher! 🙂
My Blog shall inspire you to spread your wings and rebel – in your own way. Maybe you want to start traveling as well or just change little things in your daily life.
Stability and a sense of security are important in life, but sometimes we get rigid. Yoga and meditation can help you to open up and see yourself and life with a different perspective. Sometimes little changes make big impacts. That is what I am writing about.
I consider myself an expert in managing life`s chaos (which I often create myself). With every experience came the deep knowledge, that I can trust life. That everything turns out to be fine in the end. I want to share my experience with you and start an open conversation with everybody reading my blog. 🙂
My general objective: publish one in-depth article a month, based on research and/or expert opinions. That’s why I will not post every week, but rather once a month/every two month (register for my newsletter, if you don’t wanna miss my new blog posts!).
I like to surf, go out with friends, read and watch independent movies.
Next to teaching Yoga I am a Content Writer on www.content2share.com
Sometimes I organize Yoga & Surf-holidays.
My Yogaway:
- 2013: Yoga Teacher Training (200h), Yoga Vidya, Germany
- 2014: Senior Yoga Teacher Training (500), Sivananda Yoga, Varkala (India)
- 2014: Forest Yoga Workshop with Ana Forest, Spriit Yoga, Berlin
- 2015: Anusara Workshop, Oiartzun, Spain
- 2018: Bowspring Workshop with Desi & John, Granada, Spain
- Since July 2018: Bowspring with Basti Schlickeisen
If you have questions, send me a message via hallo@bowspiration.comor use the contact form.